Progress meets safety…
Evolution meets knowledge
MAY, 18-21
Athens, Greece

Congress President
Prof. George Pistofidis

Congress President
Prof. Athanasios Protopapas
Welcome to Athens!
Dear colleagues,
We have the pleasure and honor of inviting you to the 8th SEUD Annual congress (Society of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders) which will be held in Athens, Greece from May 18th to 21st, 2022.
This year’s meeting will be a natural continuation of the previous successful SEUD congresses, further dispelling myths and clarifying facts while always keeping women’s safety and wellbeing the main focus of our attention.
Keeping this continuity in mind, we have decided that this year’s overall theme will be “Progress meets safety and evolution meets knowledge”.
Through a very high scientific level program, we will emphasize the latest innovation in the fields of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, and AUB. As well as analyzing current therapeutic and surgical methods and looking at their real value as well as long-term consequences. As usual, you’ll be able to be part of very exciting plenary sessions, debate, workshop, keynote lectures and symposia.
We truly believe that researches and innovations are key in the future of our practice, we invite you to come to Athens to present your data, bring us your research, discuss with us your results which may be presented as oral communications, video, or posters.
The venue is the beautiful Megaron Athens Concert Hall, close to the historic center of the city, easily accessible by public transportation and also close to downtown shopping areas with endless outdoor cafes and restaurants.
We hope to welcome you and meet you in Athens in May 2022!
Above all, let us gather together to celebrate a new era of scientific freedom.
Key Dates and deadlines
Benjamin Richier
T. +33(0)7 77 91 00 65
Charlotte Perot
T. +33(0)6 35 32 75 57
Mail :
Marie Mettling
T. +33(0)4 91 09 70 53
Mail :

15 Boulevard Grawitz 13016 Marseille
T. +33(0)4 91 09 70 53